Saturday, May 14, 2011

Finally in Dublin

Never did figure out how to add the pictures effectively. Besides, Blogspot was down for a time the other day so I couldn't get on and just too tired last night. We did make it to Ballymaloe which I thought was pronounced Ballymalow but is actually Ballymaloo. The Irish don't follow the same phonetic rules as we do. I did not sit in on the cooking demonstration but wish now that I would have. My hero, Rachel Allen was doing the demonstration. We did ask for Mel's friend Catherina. She was so sweet and glad to hear about Mel and Jeff. Maybe someday I'll get back there for a 12 week cooking class.

After Ballymaloe we headed for Killkenny. We stayed in a Bed and Breakfast that had a great Irish Breakfast but used old skeleton keys for the room. We didn't see much beside the castle and then headed for Dublin. We are at the Hilton Airport hotel until Monday. It was nice to get up this morning and not have to pack up and load up the car again. Today we took the double decker bus into Dublin city center and hthen got on a hop on hop off tour bus to tour the city. Tomorrow we are going to do the same and stop in a few more spots. I wan t to do the Guiness Brewery and the Kilmainham Goal (jail) where the rebels of 1921were executed.

The weather has not been that bad. It is still windy and cool with periods of rain each day. Can't say that I won't be glad to get back to some better weather.  We are safe and well.

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled to hear that you made it to the cookery school. I can't wait to hear all about it. I am equally amazed that you met up with Cathriona. I didn't know that she was back working there. Enjoy your last days in Dublin. Jeff and I throughly enjoyed the on/off bus tour while we were there the week before Christmas in 1999. That seems like forever ago. Can't wait to hear more about your adventure. Safe travels and see you next week.
